Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Breath of God

Sometimes, at my age you might think that you're wiser in years... (ahem!)

But then God brings me back down to earth through younger people whom share their random thoughts of the world and God... And many times, these youth show such wisdom beyond their years... Here's and example:


''When God wants to turn a situation from despair to delight, all He has to do isBREATHE into it. The aspirate (the letter ''h'' ) is inserted in Abram's and Sarai's names, thus indicating that the breath of God was at work. (unquote: He gave them a son when they were ancient.quote again: He does the same with the word ''impossible''. He breathes into it and it becomes ''Him-possible''.''

- excerpt from Cover to Cover. Day 13.

I read that today and it really made me realise the depth of this little extracted note. All things are possible for God. All things. All. He only has to breathe and things will go His way. When I breathe, nothing much happens (except gaseous exchanges and the replenishing of cellular energy).

But when He breathes, mountains tremble (I SAID MOUNTAINS TREMBLE!), oceans roar, the sick are healed, the wicked are removed, hope is restored. All things are possible for God.That is such a crazy, crazy, out-of-this-world, mind-boggling, heart-soaring statement but thankfully, it is also the truth.

It's too good AND it's true! So let's have a little more faith, people!

The writer of this blog is not only young...But very very WISE... It really brings home the verse from Timothy:

"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for believer in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity." -1 Timothy 4:12-


p.s. Here's to all the young people out there.. Be a great influence to those around you.. :) Take care

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